The Toskal planet has a radii of approx 5,000 miles (around 126% the size of earth).
Average Toskal day cycle is 32 hours. Average Toskal year cycle is 481 days. A larger planet also means it takes longer to travel and rotate, if sped up to match the rotation speed of Earth the gravity would be too strong. An 8 year old Toskal going out on the rite would have lived as long as a 14 year old human. An adult Toskal at 15 would have lived as long as a 26 year old human. And the 40 year old elder Toskal is equivalent to a 70 human. |
THE TOSKAL HOME WORLDWhilst the Toskal home world is a dangerous place, it is also expansive and filled with a startling variety of biomes, cultures, flora and fauna. Swampland makes up a large percentage and is the main homestead of many (some believe that all life came from the swamp). But over the centuries many Toskals have spread out over their largely unexplored world and have found ways to adapt and survive.
Q: What are these small banners that occupy portions of the map?
These are the canonical territories belonging to traited tribes. |